Our Priority: maximum support for our associates

Almond Quality Department at Bioterra Producers

With over 600 farmers on more than 4,000 hectares, we make a significant effort to monitor almond cultivation throughout its various developmental phases. Our Quality Department also regularly monitors different variables during field visits, thus analyzing the farmer’s performance in cultivation.

After years of analysis and research, we have acquired sufficient expertise to ensure optimal production while prioritizing quality.

At Bioterra, we advocate for an investment policy based on researching new cultivation and harvesting techniques to enhance production efficiency, while aligning with traditional agriculture and ensuring quality over yield. We collaborate with various institutions and invest our resources in Research and Development. This way, we can provide our farmers with precise techniques to achieve the best possible almond quality.

When a farmer is interested in cultivating almond trees, we provide guidance in selecting the most suitable variety from the finest Spanish options. We possess the expertise to offer the variety that best suits their soil and climatic conditions in their pursuit of production efficiency. This signifies a significant improvement over the “old” cultivation style, which involves using different varieties in a single plantation, and whose early flowering is at risk of frost damage, resulting in consistent harvest losses. The varieties we are currently implementing do not require separate pollinators; they give rise to single-variety, self-fertile, and non-genetically modified plantations.